Economic Studies

One of the biggest challenges facing decision makers is to optimize the use of health resources

Due to this, it is increasingly relevant and frequent the development of economic studies to evaluate health technologies and programs. These help the decision maker to establish the relevance of including or not a technology in the budget of the system.

One of the biggest challenges that decision makers face is optimizing the use of health resources. Due to this, the development of economic studies to evaluate health technologies and programs is increasingly relevant and frequent. These help the decision maker to establish the relevance of including or not a technology in the budget of the system. Economic evaluations, and especially those of cost-effectiveness, are a fundamental tool in this scenario, since they allow knowing both the potential costs and the value of the benefits that a technology or program provides, compared to the standard of care . In this way, economic evaluations can reflect the gains or trade-offs of implementing them or not.

These studies become important tools to build the value proposition of your product and impact on access. NeuroEconomix has a long history of designing and development of this type of project.

Our team, led by its general director Diego Rosselli (H index of 18 in academic Google and 11 in Scopus) has extensive experience in publishing these types of studies.

¿Why purchase this service?

These technical inputs are key to show and demonstrate the value of a technology to a decision maker who must reconcile the degree of performance of a technology with sustainability

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