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Rare Diseases - From diagnosis to public policies
Rare diseases, along with neglected diseases, have become a topic of growing interest for the multiple agents of the health systems, due to the complexity of the diagnoses and treatments of the patients who suffer them.
Precisely, the study of rare diseases can be discreet with the paradox of rarity: when considered separately, they affect a minimum percentage of the world population, but together they afflict many people, which implies a major health problem public. This book is the result of a collective effort to understand and make visible the multidimensional burden of those who suffer from a rare disease.
In this sense, its objective is to mitigate the ignorance of general practitioners in Colombia so that they can better diagnose and treat their patients. For this reason, it not only presents the existing information on rare diseases and the evident gap in their understanding, but also proposes a way to fill them from the...